First Saturday 2025

Saturday, January 4, February 1, etc. 9-11am
A new series of 18” blocks starts January 4, 2025
We are excited to introduce you to Kona Block of the Month for 2025! Our new twelve-month block of the month features traditional blocks. The finished quilt measures 71”x 91”. Starting January 4, you will receive a 5” charm pack and pattern for one 18” finished block each month.
Here’s how it works:
* Signups start on December 7, 2024. There will be 35 sign-ups available.
* You will sign up by paying the non-refundable deposit of $10.
* You can choose any background you want and purchase it ahead of time or on the first day. You’ll need about 4-1/4 yards. Ours is white with tiny colorful dots. Other suggestions are black, navy, grey, pale pastel, or cream. These can be either a solid or print. There are enough colors in each charm pack to choose fabrics that contrast with your background.
* We will open the doors at 9:00 on the First Saturday, starting January 4, 2025. You will pay $13.95 each month. There aren’t free blocks this year. However, participants can get 10% off all their fabric purchases and 40% off all sale fabric all day on First Saturday.
* Finishing instructions will be with block 2 as always.
* When you come in on First Saturday, you can go to the demo area, where the new block will be highlighted and there will be an ongoing demonstration of how the block is put together from 9-11am only.
* You can use leftover charm squares for your piano key borders. You will get occasional free patterns to use your leftover charm squares!